Personal Library
I don't necessarily like all the books that I have read. But I consider the
ones in this list to be good enough to be shared with the public.
- Burkov, Andriy - The Hundred Page Machine Learning Book
- Duntemann, Jeff - x64 Assembly Language Step-by-step. (notes)
- Flanagan, David - JavaScript, the definitive guide. (notes)
- Fowler, Martin - Refactoring (review)
- Gregg, Brendan - Systems Performance (review)
- Hunt, Andrew and Thomas, David - Pragmatic Programmer. (review)
- Ierusalimschy Roberto - Programming in Lua. (notes)
- Kernighan, Brian and Pike, Rob - The Practice of Programming. (review)
- Martin, C. Robert - Clean Architecture.
- Martin, C. Robert - Clean Code.
- Martin, C. Robert - Clean Coder.
- Neil, Drew - Practical Vim
- Percival, Harry and Gregory Bob - Architecture Patterns with Python
- Petzold, Charles - Code. (review)
- Plauger, P. J. - The Standard C Library
- Porcello, Eve - Learning GraphQL
- Poulton, Nigel - Docker Deep Dive
- Ritchie, Dennis and Kernighan, Brian - The C Programming Language
- Seacord, Robert - Effective C
- Hodel, Richard - An Introduction to Mathematical Logic
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations. (review)
- Grayling, Anthony - The History of Philosophy. (review)
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason
- Machiavelli, Niccolo - The Prince
- Montaigne, Michel - The Complete Essays
- More, Thomas - Utopia
- Nietzsche, Friedrich - Beyond Good and Evil (review)
- Plato - Republic.
- Searle, John R. - The Mystery of Consciousness (review)
- Warburton, Nigel - A Little History of Philosophy.
- Bier, Jonathan - The Blocksize War
- Collins, Michael and Price, Matthew - The Story of Christianity.
- Kerninghan, Brian - UNIX A History and a Memoir (review)
- Miller, Chris - Chip War (review)
- Reader's Digest - Jesus and His Times.
- Graham, Benjamin - The Intelligent Investor
- Freud, Sigmund - Civilization and Its Discontents
- Freud, Sigmund - The Interpretation of Dreams
- Asimov, Isaac - The End of Eternity.
- Asimov, Isaac - The Foundation Series.
- Asimov, Isaac - The Robot Series.
- Cixin, Liu - Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy (review)
- Coelho, Paulo - The Alchemist (review)
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Brothers Karamazov (review)
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment (review)
- Egan, Greg - Permutation City.
- Fitzgerald, Scott - The Great Gatsby.
- Herbert, Frank - Dune.
- Herbert, Frank - Dune Messiah. (review)
- Herbert, Frank - Children of Dune.
- Herbert, Frank - God Emperor of Dune. (review)
- Herbert, Frank - Herectics of Dune.
- Herbert, Frank - Chapterhouse: Dune.
- Herbert, Brian - Hunters of Dune.
- Herbert, Brian - Sandworms of Dune (review).
- Shusterman, Neal - Arc of a Scythe Series (review)
- Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Hobbit.
- Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Lord of The Rings Trilogy.
- Brewer, Judson - Unwinding Anxiety (review)
- Walker, Matthew - Why We Sleep. (review)
General Technology
- Monteiro, Mike - Ruined By Design (review)
- Newport, Cal - Digital Minimalism (review)
- Stallman, Richard - Free as in freedom (review)
- Torvalds, Linus - Just for Fun (review)
- DeMarco, Tom - Peopleware. (review)
- Meyer, Erin - The Culture Map. (review)
- Voss, Chris - Never Split The Difference. (review)
- Freire, Paulo - Pedagogy of The Oppressed. (review)
- Peters, Jonathan - Music Theory (review)