February 23th, 2024


This is the last novel from the Dune saga (chronologically).

This novel finally wraps up everything so that I can move on with my life.

I've read a few reviews about this book before I picked it up. Some of the reviews were around Brian Herbert not being as good as a writer as his dad.

I couldn't notice any difference between his books and his father ones. I've also read most of the books in a short period of time, so if there was much difference I believe I would've picked up.

As for the story itself, it is nice. I wish the gholas had a bit more of an action, specially Leto II the god emperor. I say that, because the worm was my favourite character in this whole series, and I wish his ghola had more of a fundamental piece in the plot rather than being swallowed by a worm at the end.

This is just me, the story makes sense and I couldn't find any "weird" plot holes. The only thing I thought was missing plot-wise is some information about the "Oracle of time". I believe she gets more "page-time" during the Buttlerian Jihad novel, so I guess this is OK. I didn't read that novel yet though, so this is just a guess.

The ending is good, however, I am not a big fan of Duncan Idaho as a character, and it's a bit lame that in the end he's the main protagonist. I can tolerate that though, because the journey to get to this final book has been quite good.