The Dumbest Compiler Imaginable

Created at: 2024-08-20

Python is about having the simplest, dumbest compiler imaginable, and the official runtime semantics actively discourage cleverness in the compiler like parallelizing loops or turning recursions into loops.

− Guido van Rossum (creator of Python). source

This might be a shocking statement to read for someone used to languages that compile to machine code directly like C, C++, Zig, Rust, etc.

The compiler is, usually, a major source of optimisation for human-written code, being capable of lexically analysing code and removing unnecessary computation.

This basically allows developers to write whatever code they think is the most readable and expressive, while handing over the work of optimising the actual code to the compiler.

A classic example in C is:

int foo() {
  int bar1 = 42; // Unused variable.
  int bar2 = 100;
  return bar2;

Which when compiled with the most basic level of optimisation via gcc -O1 produces the following assembly code:

  mov  eax, 100

The function just returns the value 100. There is no use of the stack to store values, no load operation to fetch variables, and no other form of allocations. The compiler is able to reason that the code returns 100 and thus creates the machine code to do just that.

Compare this with the Python function below:

def foo():
    bar1 = 42
    bar2 = 100
    return bar2

Which returns the following bytecode via dis.dis(foo).

LOAD_CONST               1 (42)
STORE_FAST               0 (bar1)
LOAD_CONST               2 (100)
STORE_FAST               1 (bar2)
LOAD_FAST                1 (bar2)

The bar1 variable hasn't been discarded, even though it hasn't been used by the code. A full description of Python opcodes is provided in the official documentation (source), but basically the instructions above do:

Note that those operations aren't light on CPU time nor on store/loads. But, that is Python, so there's no much we can do there.

As comparison, this is what a function returning 100 would do:

def foo():
    return 100
RETURN_CONST             1 (100)

In theory, a bytecode optimiser could generate the disassembled version of our code above once it analysed the function to always return the same constant value. This type of optimisation is called Peephole Optimisation, a term coined back in 1965.

The problem of optimising the snippet above seems simple, but one immediate problem is Python's dynamic-typed nature. It isn't trivial to know whether an operation has been overloaded or not, but if we could tell the compiler "I haven't overloaded anything for these classes" we could possibly have some nice optimisations.

An interesting paper from 1998 has a lot to say about optimising Python bytecode.

For example, one snippet provided in the paper above talks about a common unpacking pattern:

a,b,c = 1,2,3

Which in current versions of Python generates the bytecode:

LOAD_CONST               0 ((1, 2, 3))
STORE_NAME               0 (a)
STORE_NAME               1 (b)
STORE_NAME               2 (c)
RETURN_CONST             1 (None)

Which is less desirable than the code:

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3

Which skips the tuple allocation and unpacking overhead, dealing with variables directly stored in the stack:

LOAD_CONST               0 (1)
STORE_NAME               0 (a)
LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
STORE_NAME               1 (b)
LOAD_CONST               2 (3)
STORE_NAME               2 (c)

Interestingly, Python tuples are immutable, and thus can be loaded as constants. That's why the LOAD_CONST opcode managed to load the three values in one chunk.

There are several other examples of optimisation opportunities, but the key question is: Why isn't CPython already doing those?

Guido's quote provided at the top of this post isn't sufficient to elucidate what perks we are getting from having an unoptimised bytecode compiler. One obvious one is maintainability. A dumb compiler is way easier to maintain and change than a smart compiler that optimises a lot.

I know that compiler experts will say that provided the right compiler architecture, pattern-matching optimisation becomes easy as such optimisations can be injected as "plugins". Since I am not a compiler expert I have no way to validate this idea. All I have is Guido's quote.

I am not particularly found on having simplicity on the compiler at the expense of all Python programs being slowed down because of it. But maybe if Python had an optimiser for bytecode, Python wouldn't have existed in the first place.

It seems like the tides have been changing though as Python 3.13 will get a JIT.

Another perk from a dumb compiler is debugging. Written Python code directly translates into bytecode, and thus we can do this:

def foo():
    a = 10
    b = 20
    return b

In the process of debugging we know that the variable a is there and won't be optimised away. However... This is a bit of a straw man argument as we could generate the bytecode with different levels of optimisation as in gcc's -O1, -O2, and -O3, thus using a lower level of optimisation when debugging.


Pypy only has a couple of special bytecodes on top of what CPython already has, and Pypy in general doesn't perform a lot of bytecode optimisations either.

But there are two interesting opcodes that make a significant difference on a program's performance. For the following code:

class Foo:
    def bar(self, x: int, y: int) -> int:
        return x + y

foo = Foo()
x = 1
y = 2

Running this function call on the CPython interpreter:

# Runs, y) bytecode.
dis.dis(lambda:, y))

Gives me the bytecode:

LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (foo)
LOAD_ATTR                3 (NULL|self + bar)
LOAD_GLOBAL              4 (x)
LOAD_GLOBAL              6 (y)
CALL                     2

Whereas in Pypy we have:

LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (foo)
LOAD_METHOD              1 (bar)
LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (x)
LOAD_GLOBAL              3 (y)
CALL_METHOD              2

Both have 6 bytecode instructions each, but the first difference is that Pypy uses its special LOAD_METHOD opcode instead of a LOAD_ATTR instruction.

The LOAD_METHOD pushes two values to the stack instead of one. It passes the unbounded Python function object ( and the object itself (foo).

The CALL_METHOD (which received a parameter of N = 2) will pop the two variables from the stack (x, y) as well as the "self" argument for the unbounded function ("foo") and call, x, y).

To understand why this optimises the underlying code one must understand the difference between bound and unbound methods in Python.

# Using the object.
>> <bound method of <__main__.Foo object at 0x7646b4648bf0>>

# Using the class.
>> <function at 0x7646b46972e0>

The first case where the function bar comes from an instantiated object is called "bounded", because that function is linked to the object and thus has a "self" variable bounded to it.

The second case, where we use the Foo class, the function bar is not bounded as it didn't come from an instantiated object and thus does not have a self object. Trying to call it will result in error:

>>>, y=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

However, you can do this:

>>>, x=1, y=2)

So why is the original LOAD_ATTR instruction a problem?

The problem comes from the performance penalty imposed by creating bounded methods and calling them.

CPython creates bounded methods on demand. I.e., every time the bounded method is needed for the first time, it is initialised and allocated in memory right there.

>>> obj_1 = Foo()
>>> obj_2 = Foo()
>>> is
>>> ==
<bound method of <__main__.Foo object at 0x7646b49ebf80>>
<bound method of <__main__.Foo object at 0x7646b49e8320>>

Note how the addresses of and are different. CPython will create instances of those bound methods for each object before it can call the bounded .bar function (allocation on demand). However, Pypy will use the stack to cache the unbounded method, and call it with the "self" object that is stored in the stack already, so that there is no overhead of allocation and creation of bounded methods when an object function needs to be called. It operates similarly to, x=1, y=2).

This strategy provides a considerable performance improvement for heavily OOP programs. According to Pypy:

Another optimization, or rather set of optimizations, that has a uniformly good effect are the two ‘method optimizations’, i.e. the method cache and the LOOKUP_METHOD and CALL_METHOD opcodes. On a heavily object-oriented benchmark (richards) they combine to give a speed-up of nearly 50%, and even on the extremely un-object-oriented pystone benchmark, the improvement is over 20%.



It is important to note that there have been many attempts to make Python faster, many of which have failed [1] [2].

As much as it would be nice to have another Python interpreter fully JIT'ed and full of bytecode optimisations, in reality it is really hard to compete against CPython. Many 3rd-party libraries use CPython's C-extensions directly, which aren't necessarily available in other Python interpreters (excluding some forks), rendering such libraries unusable.

It might be too far to say that Python is a mono-implementation language, but it does feel like it. If a fork is successful it may be merged up-stream instead of remaining a fork. If the interpreter itself is built without CPython's C-extensions in mind, it will not provide a rich ecosystem for all the performance-dependent 3rd-party libs out there and will thus probably be less used.