Created at: 2024-06-08
Updated at: 2024-07-27
I had a surprise today when I saw the instruction mov edi, edi
as the first
instruction of a function call.
This is my C code:
unsigned int func(unsigned int idx) {
static unsigned int my_table[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
return my_table[idx];
Which returned the following x86 assembly (compiled via gcc):
mov edi, edi
lea rax, my_table.0[rip]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rax+rdi*4]
.size func, .-func
.section .rodata
.align 16
.type my_table.0, @object
.size my_table.0, 16
.long 10
.long 20
.long 30
.long 40
This code was compiled with the flag -O3, which I thought was going to
eliminate all useless instructions. To my surprise, when I removed all the
unsigned keywords from the function, the mov edi, edi
disappeared in favour
of a movsx rdi, edi
! Here's the equivalent asm code:
movsx rdi, edi
lea rax, my_table.0[rip]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rax+rdi*4]
.size func, .-func
.section .rodata
.align 16
.type my_table.0, @object
.size my_table.0, 16
.long 10
.long 20
.long 30
.long 40
I went on a spiral of research, and I found many links pointing to this instruction being necessary in Microsoft Windows, so that the OS could operate hot-patching. source
However, I compiled this on Linux. This should not be relevant to me. Here is
the catch; that mov edi, edi
operation is used for zero'ing the most
significant 32 bits of the rdi
It does not seem obvious, but the answer can be found in the x86 tour of Intel manuals source
General-purpose Registers (...)
32-bit operands generate a 32-bit result, zero-extended to a 64-bit result in the destination general-purpose register. (...)
UPDATE: In case it wasn't clear from the quote above, the zero-extension only
works for 32 bit operands. If you run mov di, di
(di is 16 bits long), the
zero-extension will not happen.
The zero-extension is indeed what happens when I try to run the following mock assembly code below:
; Load `rdi` with all one's.
; After the instruction below,
; rdi will be 0x0000000011111111
mov edi, edi
This was not obvious to me at all. The initial instruction mov edi, edi
looked like a nop equivalent with two bytes...
Coming back to my original function:
unsigned int func(unsigned int idx) {
static unsigned int my_table[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
return my_table[idx];
Since I am using unsigned integers, the compiler can trust that the arguments passed to that function in assembly won't be more than 32 bits long in my machine.
UPDATE: The compiler actually doesn't need to "trust" anything, it actually
does not matter. The movsx
instruction accepts operands of different sizes.
This means that the 32 bits in edi
will be moved with sign-extension to fit
the 64 bits of rdi
. The underlying 32 bit value will remain the same, and it
doesn't matter what bits were in the most-significant upper 32bits of rdi
before the mov
operation - they will just be completely ignored. That is why
the instruction mov edi, edi
is not necessary beforehand!
Remember that the ABI for C functions calls in assembly is that the first argument to the function, in this case idx, will be passed in the register rdi.
So this function is cleaning up the most significant bits of rdi for us. I am still not totally sure why this is necessary, but perhaps the compiler assumes that some garbage could be held in the most significant bits of rdi and tries to clean that up first to avoid potential bugs.
This assumption makes sense to me at first, because down in the assembly
function body, we rely on rdi for finding the address offset of the element in
the table that we want to return: mov eax, DWORD PTR [rax+rdi*4]
Now remains the question: "Why is there an assumption by the compiler that rdi can contain garbage in the most significant bits?".
This can happen if the function is being called with a "casted" value given that casting per-se does not clean up unused bits of a 64bit register. That could happen if a 64 bit integer was casted down to a 32 bit one.
Again, this is very much based on my own understanding on how assembly works in my platform, if you think that I got something wrong please send me an email at