February 22, 2024

The problem

Note: check the Solution section at the end.

When a migration is run with the atomic argument set to False, it is meant that the migration itself won't run inside a transaction (at least in theory).

Say you have this migration:

from django.db import migrations

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    atomic = False
    dependencies = [

    create_index = """
        SET lock_timeout = 10000;
        SET statement_timeout = 20000;
        ON public."my_sweet_app_table"
        USING gist (field_one, field_two, field_three);
    drop_index = """
        DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY if EXISTS my_sweet_index;

    operations = [
        migrations.RunSQL(sql=create_index, reverse_sql=drop_index),

This looks all normal:

  1. If the CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY instruction waits for longer than 10s to acquire a lock, it times out.
  2. If the CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY query itself takes longer than 20s to complete, it times out.


If a statement must be executed outside a transaction (such as CREATE DATABASE), it cannot be executed in batch with other statements, even if the connection is in autocommit mode:

>>> conn.autocommit = True
>>> conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE foo; SELECT 1")

Traceback (most recent call last):
psycopg.errors.ActiveSqlTransaction: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block

This happens because PostgreSQL itself will wrap multiple statements in a transaction. Note that you will experience a different behaviour in psql (psql will split the queries on semicolons and send them to the server separately).

The problem is the same for CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY.

CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot run inside a transaction block

Source: psycopg


  1. Don't run multiple statements inside a atomic = False migration.
  2. Set sane timeouts directly in the psql user that runs migrations.