April 05, 2023

Note 2024-03-23: It would be preferrable to adapt this to the "C" notes, as there is some C++ specificity to this that might not aggregate much to a "bit manipulation" note.

Bit shifting

Bit shifting involves moving bits of a binary number to either the left or the right. Most programming languages use the characters << to indicate a left bit shift, and >> to indicate a right bit shift.

There are a few common operations that can be performed through. These are:

  1. Multiplication by 2
int main() {
  int twenty_three = 0b10111;
  int ninety_two = twenty_three << 2;
  std::cout << ninety_two;
  1. Division by 2
int main() {
  int twenty_two = 0b10110;
  int eleven = twenty_two >> 1;
  std::cout << eleven;
  1. Extracting bits
int main() {
  // Extract the forth less-significant bit.
  int binary_number = 0b01110;
  int bit_value = binary_number >> 3 & 0b1;
  std::cout << bit_value;
  1. Inserting bits
int main() {
  int binary_number = 0b001001;
  int one = 1;
  // set the 3rd bit to 0
  int result = binary_number | (one << 2);
  std::cout << result;  // 0b001101


A bit masking is a binary number used to enable or disable specific bits of another binary number. In the examples above we have already used bit masking.

In our insertion example above, we could have just used a masking number and the | or bit operator instead:

int main() {
  int binary_number = 0b000001;
  int mask = 0b000100;
  std::cout << (binary_number | mask); // 5

Shifting and masking in assembly.

Here's a simple code to set the second bit from right to left using a mask and the | operator:

int bit_number = 0b00100;
int mask = 0b00010;
int result = bit_number | mask;

And the assembly code:

        .long   4
        .long   2
        .zero   4
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int):
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
        cmp     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
        jne     .L3
        cmp     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 65535
        jne     .L3
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR bit_number[rip]
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR mask[rip]
        or      eax, edx
        mov     DWORD PTR result[rip], eax
        pop     rbp
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        mov     esi, 65535
        mov     edi, 1
        call    __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)
        pop     rbp

This assembly code defines a function called "__static_initialization_and_destruction_0" that takes two integer arguments and initializes a global variable called "result" based on their values.

The code starts by reserving space on the stack for the function's local variables using the "push" and "mov" instructions. It then stores the function arguments in the stack at [rbp-4] and [rbp-8].

Next, the code checks if the first argument ([rbp-4]) is equal to 1 using the "cmp" instruction, and jumps to label ".L3" if it is not equal. It then checks if the second argument ([rbp-8]) is equal to 65535 using the "cmp" instruction, and also jumps to label ".L3" if it is not equal.

If both conditions are met, the code loads the value of the global variable "bit_number" into the register edx using the "mov" instruction with a RIP-relative addressing mode. It then loads the value of the global variable "mask" into the register eax, and performs a bitwise OR operation between eax and edx using the "or" instruction. The resulting value is then stored in the global variable "result" using a RIP-relative addressing mode.

Finally, the code executes a "nop" instruction, pops the stack to restore the previous stack pointer using the "pop" instruction, and returns from the function using the "ret" instruction.

There is also another function called "_GLOBAL__sub_I_bit_number" that initializes the global variables "edi" and "esi" with the values 1 and 65535 respectively, and then calls the "__static_initialization_and_destruction_0" function with these values. This function is likely called automatically by the compiler during program startup to initialize the global variables before main() is called.

This looks a bit more convoluted than you would expect because the compiler adds the overhead of using 1 and 65535 as "magic numbers" to initialise those variables. I still don't know for sure why this needs to happen.

Now let's try to achieve the same result using shifting to see the code difference:

int bit_number = 0b00100;
int mask = 0b00001;

int result = bit_number | (mask << 3);

The assembly code looks like this:

        .long   4
        .long   1
        .zero   4
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int):
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi
        cmp     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1
        jne     .L3
        cmp     DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 65535
        jne     .L3
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR mask[rip]
        lea     edx, [0+rax*8]
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR bit_number[rip]
        or      eax, edx
        mov     DWORD PTR result[rip], eax
        pop     rbp
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        mov     esi, 65535
        mov     edi, 1
        call    __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)
        pop     rbp

The only difference lies on how the bit shifting happens: lea edx, [0+rax*8]

The instruction lea edx, [0+rax*8] performs a "load effective address" operation, which computes the memory address that corresponds to a given memory operand and stores it in the destination register. In this case, the instruction is calculating an address based on the value of rax, which was previously loaded with the value of the mask variable.

The [0+rax*8] memory operand specifies a scaled indexed addressing mode, where the value of rax is multiplied by the scale factor of 8 (i.e., each element of the array is 8 bytes wide), and then added to the base address of 0. Since the base address is 0, the instruction is effectively multiplying rax by 8.

The reason that the lea edx, [0+rax*8] instruction is using the lea (load effective address) instruction instead of the mul (multiply) instruction is that lea is a more efficient way of performing simple arithmetic operations that involve multiplication by a power of two.

In this case, the mul instruction would not be appropriate because we are not multiplying rax by an arbitrary value, but rather by a power of two (i.e., 8). Since multiplication by a power of two is equivalent to shifting the binary representation of the number to the left by a certain number of bits, the lea instruction can be used to accomplish the same thing as the mul instruction, but more efficiently.

Specifically, the lea instruction can be used to compute an address that is a scaled version of a register value, where the scale factor can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. If we needed to multiply by a number greater than 8, we wouldn't be using this instruction any more.