February 18th, 2024


These are the solutions for the problems in the book xchg rax, rax.


This code represents different ways of zero'ing registers:

xor eax, eax
lea rbx, [0]
loop $
mov rdx, 0
and esi, 0
sub edi, edi
push 0
pop rbp

The interesting trick here is:

loop $

The above creates an infinite loop until RCX reaches zero. The mark $ corresponds to the current location or address in the code. This means that loop will loop back to itself.


rax and rdx are summed, where rax stores the value of the summation, and rdx stores the old value of rax before the summation.

It can also compute the rcx'd element of the fibonnaci sequence assuming that rax = 0 and rdx = 1.

    xadd rax, rdx
    loop .loop

Note that xadd (Exchange and add) means:

Exchanges the first operand (destination operand) with the second operand (source operand), then loads the sum of the two values into the destination operand. The destination operand can be a register or a memory location; the source operand is a register.


Returns 0 if rax is 0, returns 1 otherwise. Perhaps a boolean check. The resulting value is stored in rax itself.

neg rax
sbb rax, rax
neg rax

Note that sbb (Subtraction with borrow) means:

Adds the source operand (second operand) and the carry (CF) flag, and subtracts the result from the destination operand (first operand). The result of the subtraction is stored in the destination operand. The destination operand can be a register or a memory location; the source operand can be an immediate, a register, or a memory location.

And neg is a two's complement negation.


This returns the least of two numbers (rax or rdx):

sub rdx, rax
sbb rcx, rcx
and rcx, rdx
add rax, rcx

In other words:

if rdx > rax:
  return rax
  return rdx

Note that sbb (Subtraction with borrow) means:

Adds the source operand (second operand) and the carry (CF) flag, and subtracts the result from the destination operand (first operand). The result of the subtraction is stored in the destination operand. The destination operand can be a register or a memory location; the source operand can be an immediate, a register, or a memory location.


Toggles the case of a char (upper/lower)

xor al, 0x20


I had to look this one up online:

Allows to branch depending on whether rax is in range [5,9] using only one jbe jump.

sub rax, 5
cmp rax, 4


This does nothing.

The NOT instruction is a logical negation. If you have 1010, it becomes 0101. The NEG instruction is the two's complement negative.

The two's compliment algorithm is basically:

So negating and adding one, is the same thing as NEG. So we're basically executing NEG twice, which give us the same result.

not rax
inc rax
neg rax


This also does nothing.

Say rax is 10.

  1. inc rax == 11
  2. neg rax == -11
  3. inc rax == -10
  4. neg rax == 10
inc rax
neg rax
inc rax
neg rax


rcr is like a shift to the right, which is effectively a division by two.

The below calculates the average between rax and rdx.

However, if there's some overflow, or for example if one operator is negative and the other positive, the operation can fail.

Try setting rax to -20 and rdx to 30, for example.

add rax, rdx
rcr rax, 1


Calculates rax/8 and rounds it up to the near integer.

Try with:

shr rax, 3
adc rax, 0


Increments by one an arbitrarily long little-endian integer at rdi.

I had to look this one up.

add byte [rdi], 1
    inc rdi
    adc byte [rdi], 0
    loop .loop


My solution was: Negate rdx if rax == 0, do a not otherwise.

Computes the negation of the 128-bit integer stored in the RDX:RAX registers (thanks Aviya Erenfeld!).

not rdx
neg rax
sbb rdx, -1