

This list does not include all of the instructions, only the ones I have used most frequently.

The main list of instructions can be seen in the AVR manual: source



Adds two registers without the C Flag and places the result in the destination register Rd.

add r1,r2 ; Add r2 to r1 (r1=r1+r2)
add r28,r28 ; Add r28 to itself (r28=r28+r28)

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1


(And with immediate)

Performs the logical AND between the contents of register Rd and a constant, and places the result in the destination register Rd

andi r17,$0F ; Clear upper nibble of r17
andi r18,$10 ; Isolate bit 4 in r18
andi r19,$AA ; Clear odd bits of r19

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1


Conditional relative branch. Tests the Zero Flag (Z) and branches relatively to PC if Z is cleared. If the instruction is executed immediately after any of the instructions CP, CPI, SUB, or SUBI, the branch will occur if and only if, the unsigned or signed binary number represented in Rd was not equal to the unsigned or signed binary number represented in Rr. This instruction branches relatively to PC in either direction (PC - 63 ≤ destination ≤ PC + 64). Parameter k is the offset from PC and is represented in two’s complement form. (Equivalent to instruction BRBC 1,k.)

This instruction is very useful for loop decrements.

    eor r27,r27 ; Clear r27
    inc r27 ; Increase r27
    cpi r27,5 ; Compare r27 to 5
    brne loop ; Branch if r27<>5
    nop ; Loop exit (do nothing)

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1 if condition is false 2 if condition is true


Long call to a sub-routine.

Calls to a subroutine within the entire Program memory. The return address (to the instruction after the CALL) will be stored onto the Stack. (See also RCALL). The Stack Pointer uses a post-decrement scheme during CALL.

This instruction is not available in all devices.

    mov r16,r0 ; Copy r0 to r16
    call check ; Call subroutine
    nop ; Continue (do nothing)
    cpi r16,$42 ; Check if r16 has a special value
    breq error ; Branch if equal
    ret ; Return from subroutine
    rjmp error ; Infinite loop

Words 2 (4 bytes) Cycles 4 devices with 16-bit PC


Subtracts one -1- from the contents of register Rd and places the result in the destination register Rd. The C Flag in SREG is not affected by the operation, thus allowing the DEC instruction to be used on a loop counter in multiple-precision computations.

When operating on unsigned values, only BREQ and BRNE branches can be expected to perform consistently. When operating on two’s complement values, all signed branches are available.

ldi r17, $10 ; Load constant in r17
    add r1,r2 ; Add r2 to r1
    dec r17 ; Decrement r17
    brne loop ; Branch if r17<>0
    nop ; Continue (do nothing

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1


Exclusive OR, a.k.a XOR.

Performs the logical EOR between the contents of register Rd and register Rr and places the result in the destination register Rd.

eor r4, r4 ; Clear r4
eor r0, r22 ; Bitwise exclusive or between r0 and r22

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1


Loads an 8-bit constant (immediate) directly to register 16 to 31. Constant values can only be loaded into the last 16 registers in AVR.

clr r31 ; Clear Z high byte
ldi r30,$F0 ; Set Z low byte to $F0
lpm ; Load constant from Program
; memory pointed to by Z

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1


This instruction performs a single cycle No Operation.


Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 1


Stores data from register Rr in the Register File to I/O Space (Ports, Timers, Configuration Registers, etc.)

clr r16 ; Clear r16
ser r17 ; Set r17
out $18,r16 ; Write zeros to Port B
nop ; Wait (do nothing)
out $18,r17 ; Write ones to Port B

; out _SFR_IO_ADDR (PORB), r16 ; write out the value of R16 to port B


Returns from subroutine. The return address is loaded from the STACK. The Stack Pointer uses a pre- increment scheme during RET.

call routine
    push r14 ; Save r14 on the Stack
    pop r14 ; Restore r14
    ret ; Return from subroutine

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 4 devices with 16-bit PC 5 devices with 22-bit PC


Relative call to an address within Program Counter (PC) - 2K + 1 and PC + 2K (words). The return address (the instruction after the RCALL) is stored onto the Stack. See also CALL. For AVR microcontrollers with Program memory not exceeding 4K words (8KB) this instruction can address the entire memory from every address location. The Stack Pointer uses a post-decrement scheme during RCALL.

The RCALL instruction uses relative addressing, which means the target address is calculated relative to the current instruction pointer. This allows for more compact code, as you only need to specify the offset to the target subroutine.

This is particularly useful when the subroutine is located nearby in memory.

    rcall routine ; Call subroutine
    push r14 ; Save r14 on the Stack
    pop r14 ; Restore r14
    ret ; Return from subroutine

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles

Compare with CALL: Words 2 (4 bytes) Cycles 4 devices with 16-bit PC


Relative Jump.

For AVR microcontrollers with Program memory not exceeding 4K words (8KB) this instruction can address the entire memory from every address location

The JMP instruction accepts absolute addresses but it is also two times as slow. JMP also takes twice the space, and is only required when the jump offset is greater than 2K.

For small loops, RJMP is perfect.

cpi r16,$42 ; Compare r16 to $42
brne error ; Branch if r16 <> $42
rjmp ok ; Unconditional branch
    add r16,r17 ; Add r17 to r16
    inc r16 ; Increment r16
    nop ; Destination for rjmp (do nothing)

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 2


Sets a specified bit in an I/O Register. This instruction operates on the lower 32 I/O Registers – addresses 0-31

out $1E,r0 ; Write EEPROM address
sbi $1C,0 ; Set read bit in EECR
in r1,$1D ; Read EEPROM data

sbi _SFR_IO_ADDR (DDRB), 1 ; put pin 1 on port b in output mode

Words 1 (2 bytes) Cycles 2 Cycles XMEGA 1 Cycles Reduced Core tinyAVR 1