Initial Setup

Created at: 2024-11-05


Swap Command key for Ctrl key (maybe, I'm not doing it now.)

Go to:

And swap ctrl for cmd.

Get rid of the annoying Dock

On the terminal:

defaults write autohide -bool true && killall Dock
defaults write autohide-delay -float 1000 && killall Dock
defaults write no-bouncing -bool TRUE && killall Dock

Get rid of annoying hot corners

On a terminal:

defaults write wvous-tl-corner -int 0
defaults write wvous-tr-corner -int 0
defaults write wvous-bl-corner -int 0
defaults write wvous-br-corner -int 0
killall Dock

If that didn't work, go through the GUI

Step 1. Click on the Apple Menu. Step 2. Go to "System Settings". Step 3. Click on "Desktop & Dock". Step 4. Choose "Hot Corners" at the bottom. Setp 5. Set every corner to a dash - which does nothing.

Install Alacritty

  1. Go to the website and install it.
  2. Go to the terminal app, press "cmd + ," to open settings.
  3. Change "shells open with" to use /bin/bash.

Install brew

Go to the website and install it.

Install dev tools

brew install \
    neovim \
    git \
    tree \
    font-liberation-nerd-font \
    fd \
    rg \
    ripgrep \
    firefox \
    terminal-notifier \
    fzf \
    python \
    bear \

brew install --cask nikitabobko/tap/aerospace
brew install --cask betterdisplay


  1. Allow terminal-notifier to send notifications (type notifications in the system settings page). Also set the config to not group!

Install My dotfiles

~/workspace/scripts/ install

Note: Change the open_github_file.lua plugin to include the prefix to exclude.

Change default shell to bash

MacOs comes with zsh by default, which isn't a great shell. The bash version it comes with is outdated, so we download a new one with brew

brew install bash
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash

# Symlink .bashrc to .bash_profile
ln -s ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile

# Just reboot and you'll get the new shell
sudo reboot now

Also change from zsh to bash in:

Install Plug (neovim package manager)

Just follow the website instructions.

Basic nice things

Go to Settings - Keyboard and configure:

# Increase key-repeat
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 2
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 15

# Remove font smoothing
defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0

# Disable the sound effects on boot
sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=" "

# Disable automatic termination of inactive apps
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDisableAutomaticTermination -bool true

sudo reboot now

Download HomeRow

Change the shortcuts for:

Adjust monitor (if needed)

On better display, follow this guide:

I have to set my home monitor to ~70% resolution.


Add this mapper rule:

map q removeTab

Set up shortucts for firefox

Sadly because I have to use cmd instead of ctrl, I have to change Firefox's shortcuts.

System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App shortcuts

Add an entry for Firefox with these settings:

Reload This Page -> ctrl+r New Tab -> ctrl+t Close Tab -> ctrl+w Reopen Closed tab -> ctrl+shiftT

Optional (I'm not using this currently): Get an app (free and OS) Called CheatSheet, and with that you can see all the shortcuts used by the app, and if you make a rule in the Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts using the exact text given in CheatSheet it will change it to what you select..