How Postgres Implements Foreign Keys

Created at: 2025-01-10

In order to implement foreign keys, Postgres creates 2 triggers in the referring table and 2 triggers in the referenced table

Referring Table Triggers

Referred Table Triggers

Seeing The Code For The Triggers

Psql doesn't show them. But we can find them through the pg_trigger table.

SELECT tgname AS trigger_name,
       tgisinternal AS internal,
       CASE WHEN tgtype & 2 = 2 THEN 'BEFORE ' ELSE 'AFTER ' END ||
       CASE tgtype & 60
          WHEN 4  THEN 'INSERT'
          WHEN 8  THEN 'DELETE'
          WHEN 16 THEN 'UPDATE'
          ELSE '?'
       END ||
       ' FOR EACH ' ||
       CASE WHEN tgtype & 1 = 1 THEN 'ROW' ELSE 'STATEMENT' END
          AS firing_conditions
FROM pg_trigger
WHERE tgrelid = '<table_name>'::regclass;

The result should show the trigger names and their firing conditions:

          trigger_name          | internal |     firing_conditions
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_2044997 | t        | AFTER DELETE FOR EACH ROW
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_2044998 | t        | AFTER UPDATE FOR EACH ROW
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_2044999 | t        | AFTER INSERT FOR EACH ROW
 RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_2045000 | t        | AFTER UPDATE FOR EACH ROW

The _a_ stands for action constraints, which are created in the referred table. source code

The _c_ stands for the "check" constraints, which are created in the referring table. source code

Side note about using cascade to drop the column

If you try to drop a column that is used as foreign key by another table, you'll see an error when not using CASCADE (default is RESTRICT):


CREATE TABLE refered (id serial, int_field int unique);
CREATE TABLE referencing (id serial);

ALTER TABLE "referencing" ADD COLUMN "refered_int_field" int NULL
CONSTRAINT "delete_this_soon"
REFERENCES "refered"("int_field")


ERROR:  cannot drop column int_field of table refered because other objects
depend on it.

DETAIL:  constraint delete_this_soon on table referencing depends on column
int_field of table refered

HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.