
Created at: 2024-11-04

This extension helps with removing bloat from tables and indexes. It can also optionally restore the physical order of clustered indexes.

Differently from VACUUM FULL, and CLUSTER this works without an exclusive lock on the table. This extension claims to perform as well as CLUSTER itself.

Here is what it is capable of doing:

Why rebuild a table (and/or indexes)?

VACUUM is one of the key maintenance operations in PostgreSQL, responsible for cleaning up dead tuples from the table pages, thereby freeing up space. This space can either be re-used for future insertions and updates or remain unused and lead to fragmentation. With massive data purge operations involving deletion of a significant percentage of data from a table, the amount of fragmentation may be significantly larger. Eventually, these fragmented pages increase the size of the table and utilize more disk space than required. Such fragmentation might distribute tuples across an unnecessarily large number of pages, creating performance bottlenecks. source

The problem with VACUUM FULL is that it blocks reads and writes.

An article worth reading is Amazon's "Reducing bloat in tables and indexes with pg_repac source



This is how you'd rebuild a table using pg_repack

# Perform a dry-run pass to see whether we can rebuild the table online
$ pg_repack --table foo -d my_db --dry-run

# To execute the rebuild
$ pg_repack --table foo -d my_db
INFO: repacking table ""

# It may throw this warning if the table doesn't have a PK or unique index
# non-nullable column:
WARNING: relation "" must have a primary key or not-null unique keys

Useful flags:

A useful flag is -e, it will give more verbose information back to the caller.

There are 7 steps performed by pg_repack here:

  1. Create a log table: This table will log inserts, updates, and deletes to the old table.
  2. Add triggers: The trigger will capture inserts, updates, and deletes and insert them into the log table created before. The table looks like this (when it has data in it):
     id |    pk    |                          row
      1 |          | (100012,my_name001,42,"2025-02-04 18:14:53.780287+13")
      2 |          | (100013,my_name003,42,"2025-02-04 18:14:53.785157+13")
      3 | (100013) | (100013,my_name003,43,"2025-02-04 18:14:53.785157+13")
      4 | (100012) |
      5 | (100013) |
    The above means that rows 100012 and 100013 were inserted and then deleted (empty data in the row).
  3. Create new table: Create the new table.
  4. Add indexes in the new table: Add index on the PK for query performance.
  5. Apply changes from log table: For synchronisation.
  6. Swaps the tables: And inform the catalogue.
  7. Drop old table.

Important use case

Sometimes you need to rebuild an old table, creating a new table, and swap it by the new one.

One such case I've come across in production is that someone wanted to add an EXCLUSION constraint to a table with over 100 million rows and a lot of access across the codebase. EXCLUSION constraints can't be created without blocking reads and writes. In this case, a new table needed to be created, with the new exclusion constraint, and swapped with the old one.

Installing from source

I prefer to build things from source whenever I can. If you built postgres from source, you'll have to also install pg_repack from source as well.


# I use the "build" folder for building artifacts:
cd build/

git clone
cd pg_repack
git checkout tags/ver_$REPACK_VERSION

# PG repack needs to know where `pg_config` is. Remove the "bear" part if you
# don't want a compile_commands.json file at the end.
PG_CONFIG=$POSTGRES_DIR/build/bin/pg_config bear --output compile_commands.json -- make
PG_CONFIG=$POSTGRES_DIR/build/bin/pg_config make install

# To use the binary (command line) copy it to the postgres directory so that
# all binaries are in the same place.
cp bin/pg_repack $POSTGRES_DIR/build/bin

Now hop on psql and create the extension in the database of choice:


If you prefer docker

Here's some instructions to run it via docker.


Create tables and data:

Note: The bellow requires the btree_gist extension to be installed.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_for_repack;
CREATE TABLE table_for_repack (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT value_check CHECK (value >= 0),
    CONSTRAINT name_unique UNIQUE (name)

CREATE INDEX idx_value ON table_for_repack (value);
CREATE INDEX idx_created_at ON table_for_repack (created_at);

-- Insert 100_000 rows
INSERT INTO table_for_repack (name, value)
    'item_' || generate_series(1, 100000) AS name,
    (generate_series(1, 100000) % 100000) + 1 AS value;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_with_fk;
CREATE TABLE table_with_fk (
    table_for_repack_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT fk_table_for_repack FOREIGN KEY (table_for_repack_id)
        REFERENCES table_for_repack(id)

-- Insert 100_000 rows
INSERT INTO table_with_fk (table_for_repack_id)
SELECT generate_series(1, 100000);

Now let's run pg_repack in and print the statements:



$PG_REPACK_BIN --table $TABLE -d $DB_NAME --echo --elevel=DEBUG

This is what I get in return:

$PG_REPACK_BIN --table table_for_repack -d repack_test --echo --elevel=DEBUG
Process 67229 launched: '/Users/marcelo.fernandes/workspace/postgres15/build/bin/pg_repack' (arm64)
DEBUG: No workers to disconnect.
LOG: (query) SET search_path TO pg_catalog, pg_temp, public
LOG: (query) SET search_path TO pg_catalog, pg_temp, public
LOG: (query) select repack.version(), repack.version_sql()
LOG: (query) SET statement_timeout = 0
LOG: (query) SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp, public
LOG: (query) SET client_min_messages = warning
LOG: (query) SELECT r FROM (VALUES ($1, 'r')) AS given_t(r,kind) WHERE NOT EXISTS(  SELECT FROM repack.tables WHERE relid=to_regclass(given_t.r)) AND NOT EXISTS(  SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE c.oid=to_regclass(given_t.r) AND c.relkind = given_t.kind AND given_t.kind = 'p')
LOG:    (param:0) = table_for_repack
LOG: (query) SELECT t.*, coalesce(v.tablespace, t.tablespace_orig) as tablespace_dest FROM repack.tables t,  (VALUES ($1::text)) as v (tablespace) WHERE (relid = $2::regclass) ORDER BY t.relname, t.schemaname
LOG:    (param:0) = (null)
LOG:    (param:1) = table_for_repack
INFO: repacking table "public.table_for_repack"
DEBUG: ---- repack_one_table ----
DEBUG: target_name       : public.table_for_repack
DEBUG: target_oid        : 2094620
DEBUG: target_toast      : 0
DEBUG: target_tidx       : 0
DEBUG: pkid              : 2094626
DEBUG: ckid              : 0
DEBUG: create_pktype     : SELECT repack.create_index_type(2094626,2094620)
DEBUG: create_log        : SELECT repack.create_log_table(2094620)
DEBUG: create_trigger    : CREATE TRIGGER repack_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON public.table_for_repack FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE repack.repack_trigger('id')
DEBUG: enable_trigger    : ALTER TABLE public.table_for_repack ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER repack_trigger
DEBUG: create_table      : SELECT repack.create_table($1, $2)
DEBUG: dest_tablespace   : pg_default
DEBUG: copy_data         : INSERT INTO repack.table_2094620 SELECT id,name,value,created_at FROM ONLY public.table_for_repack
DEBUG: alter_col_storage : (skipped)
DEBUG: drop_columns      : (skipped)
DEBUG: delete_log        : DELETE FROM repack.log_2094620
DEBUG: lock_table        : LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE
DEBUG: sql_peek          : SELECT * FROM repack.log_2094620 ORDER BY id LIMIT $1
DEBUG: sql_insert        : INSERT INTO repack.table_2094620 VALUES ($1.*)
DEBUG: sql_delete        : DELETE FROM repack.table_2094620 WHERE (id) = ($
DEBUG: sql_update        : UPDATE repack.table_2094620 SET (id, name, value, created_at) = ($, $, $2.value, $2.created_at) WHERE (id) = ($
DEBUG: sql_pop           : DELETE FROM repack.log_2094620 WHERE id IN (
DEBUG: ---- setup ----
LOG: (query) SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock($1, CAST(-2147483648 + $2::bigint AS integer))
LOG:    (param:0) = 16185446
LOG:    (param:1) = 2094620
LOG: (query) SET LOCAL lock_timeout = 100
LOG: (query) LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE
LOG: (query) RESET lock_timeout
LOG: (query) SELECT pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = $1 AND NOT indisvalid
LOG:    (param:0) = 2094620
LOG: (query) SELECT indexrelid, repack.repack_indexdef(indexrelid, indrelid, $2, FALSE)  FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = $1 AND indisvalid
LOG:    (param:0) = 2094620
LOG:    (param:1) = (null)
DEBUG: index[0].target_oid      : 2094626
DEBUG: index[0].create_index    : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_2094626 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (id)
DEBUG: index[1].target_oid      : 2094628
DEBUG: index[1].create_index    : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_2094628 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (name)
DEBUG: index[2].target_oid      : 2094630
DEBUG: index[2].create_index    : CREATE INDEX index_2094630 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (value)
DEBUG: index[3].target_oid      : 2094631
DEBUG: index[3].create_index    : CREATE INDEX index_2094631 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (created_at)
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.conflicted_triggers($1)
LOG:    (param:0) = 2094620
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.create_index_type(2094626,2094620)
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.create_log_table(2094620)
LOG: (query) CREATE TRIGGER repack_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON public.table_for_repack FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE repack.repack_trigger('id')
LOG: (query) ALTER TABLE public.table_for_repack ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER repack_trigger
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.disable_autovacuum('repack.log_2094620')
LOG: (query) SELECT pg_backend_pid()
DEBUG: LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
LOG: (query) SELECT pid FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'relation' AND granted = false AND relation = 2094620 AND mode = 'AccessExclusiveLock' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid()
DEBUG: No competing DDL to cancel.
LOG: (query) COMMIT
DEBUG: Waiting on ACCESS SHARE lock...
DEBUG: ---- copy tuples ----
LOG: (query) SELECT set_config('work_mem', current_setting('maintenance_work_mem'), true)
LOG: (query) SELECT coalesce(array_agg(l.virtualtransaction), '{}')   FROM pg_locks AS l   LEFT JOIN pg_stat_activity AS a     ON =   LEFT JOIN pg_database AS d     ON a.datid = d.oid   WHERE l.locktype = 'virtualxid'   AND NOT IN (pg_backend_pid(), $1)   AND (l.virtualxid, l.virtualtransaction) <> ('1/1', '-1/0')   AND (a.application_name IS NULL OR a.application_name <> $2)  AND a.query !~* E'^\\s*vacuum\\s+'   AND a.query !~ E'^autovacuum: '   AND ((d.datname IS NULL OR d.datname = current_database()) OR l.database = 0)
LOG:    (param:0) = 67243
LOG:    (param:1) = pg_repack
LOG: (query) DELETE FROM repack.log_2094620
LOG: (query) SAVEPOINT repack_sp1
LOG: (query) SELECT pid FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'relation' AND granted = false AND relation = 2094620 AND mode = 'AccessExclusiveLock' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid()
DEBUG: No competing DDL to cancel.
LOG: (query) SET LOCAL lock_timeout = 100
LOG: (query) LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
LOG: (query) RESET lock_timeout
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.create_table($1, $2)
LOG:    (param:0) = 2094620
LOG:    (param:1) = pg_default
LOG: (query) INSERT INTO repack.table_2094620 SELECT id,name,value,created_at FROM ONLY public.table_for_repack
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.disable_autovacuum('repack.table_2094620')
LOG: (query) COMMIT
LOG: (query) SELECT 'repack.table_2094620'::regclass::oid
DEBUG: ---- create indexes ----
DEBUG: Have 4 indexes and num_workers=0
DEBUG: set up index_jobs [0]
DEBUG: target_oid   : 2094626
DEBUG: create_index : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_2094626 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (id)
LOG: (query) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_2094626 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (id)
DEBUG: set up index_jobs [1]
DEBUG: target_oid   : 2094628
DEBUG: create_index : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_2094628 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (name)
LOG: (query) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_2094628 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (name)
DEBUG: set up index_jobs [2]
DEBUG: target_oid   : 2094630
DEBUG: create_index : CREATE INDEX index_2094630 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (value)
LOG: (query) CREATE INDEX index_2094630 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (value)
DEBUG: set up index_jobs [3]
DEBUG: target_oid   : 2094631
DEBUG: create_index : CREATE INDEX index_2094631 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (created_at)
LOG: (query) CREATE INDEX index_2094631 ON repack.table_2094620 USING btree (created_at)
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.repack_apply($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)
LOG:    (param:0) = SELECT * FROM repack.log_2094620 ORDER BY id LIMIT $1
LOG:    (param:1) = INSERT INTO repack.table_2094620 VALUES ($1.*)
LOG:    (param:2) = DELETE FROM repack.table_2094620 WHERE (id) = ($
LOG:    (param:3) = UPDATE repack.table_2094620 SET (id, name, value, created_at) = ($, $, $2.value, $2.created_at) WHERE (id) = ($
LOG:    (param:4) = DELETE FROM repack.log_2094620 WHERE id IN (
LOG:    (param:5) = 1000
LOG: (query) SELECT pid FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'virtualxid' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid() AND virtualtransaction = ANY($1)
LOG:    (param:0) = {}
DEBUG: ---- swap ----
LOG: (query) SAVEPOINT repack_sp1
LOG: (query) SET LOCAL lock_timeout = 100
LOG: (query) LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE
LOG: (query) RESET lock_timeout
LOG: (query) SAVEPOINT repack_sp1
LOG: (query) SET LOCAL lock_timeout = 100
LOG: (query) LOCK TABLE repack.table_2094620 IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE
LOG: (query) RESET lock_timeout
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.repack_apply($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)
LOG:    (param:0) = SELECT * FROM repack.log_2094620 ORDER BY id LIMIT $1
LOG:    (param:1) = INSERT INTO repack.table_2094620 VALUES ($1.*)
LOG:    (param:2) = DELETE FROM repack.table_2094620 WHERE (id) = ($
LOG:    (param:3) = UPDATE repack.table_2094620 SET (id, name, value, created_at) = ($, $, $2.value, $2.created_at) WHERE (id) = ($
LOG:    (param:4) = DELETE FROM repack.log_2094620 WHERE id IN (
LOG:    (param:5) = 0
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.repack_swap($1)
LOG:    (param:0) = 2094620
LOG: (query) COMMIT
DEBUG: ---- drop ----
LOG: (query) SAVEPOINT repack_sp1
LOG: (query) SET LOCAL lock_timeout = 100
LOG: (query) LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE
LOG: (query) RESET lock_timeout
LOG: (query) SELECT repack.repack_drop($1, $2)
LOG:    (param:0) = 2094620
LOG:    (param:1) = 4
LOG: (query) COMMIT
DEBUG: ---- analyze ----
LOG: (query) ANALYZE public.table_for_repack
LOG: (query) COMMIT
LOG: (query) SELECT pg_advisory_unlock($1, CAST(-2147483648 + $2::bigint AS integer))
LOG:    (param:0) = 16185446
LOG:    (param:1) = 2094620
DEBUG: No workers to disconnect.
Process 67229 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)

TODO: Check log of all queries on postgres side

Going deeper, what does the pg_repack binary actually do?

The best way to understand this is by reading through the code of the main function that gets executed when the binary runs. The code can be accessed here.

Straight away, this function uses the pgut library a lot. This library is present also in pg_reorg. The commit that added it into pg_repack (574b6dc2) only states "Support PGXS".

In summary:

  1. Initialise pgut with the command line arguments (via pgut_getopt). This will set the program name to pg_repack, set the postgres locally for the command so that it can run from the scripts folder, and set up interruption handlers so that pgut disconnects at the end.
  2. Check for errors in the command line arguments provided.
  3. Check if the tablespace requested existed (a location on disk where data files will be stored). Potentially controlled via the command line argument --tablespace=TBLSPC. Performs this query:
    select spcname from pg_tablespace where spcname = $1;
  4. Verify if should order by a particular column (orderby).
  5. Finally call repack_one_database or repack_all_databases.

Repacking "one database" (repack_one_database)

This is just a wrapper for repacking a table. It will collate a few bits of info:

And then will try to do a few things:

Repacking "one table" (repack_one_table)

This function effectivelly performs the repacking. During its set up, it will print the following under DEBUG mode:

INFO: repacking table "public.table_for_repack"
DEBUG: ---- repack_one_table ----
DEBUG: target_name       : public.table_for_repack
DEBUG: target_oid        : 2093608
DEBUG: target_toast      : 0
DEBUG: target_tidx       : 0
DEBUG: pkid              : 2093614
DEBUG: ckid              : 0
DEBUG: create_pktype     : SELECT repack.create_index_type(2093614,2093608)
DEBUG: create_log        : SELECT repack.create_log_table(2093608)
DEBUG: create_trigger    : CREATE TRIGGER repack_trigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON public.table_for_repack FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE repack.repack_trigger('id')
DEBUG: enable_trigger    : ALTER TABLE public.table_for_repack ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER repack_trigger
DEBUG: create_table      : SELECT repack.create_table($1, $2)
DEBUG: dest_tablespace   : pg_default
DEBUG: copy_data         : INSERT INTO repack.table_2093608 SELECT id,name,value,created_at FROM ONLY public.table_for_repack
DEBUG: alter_col_storage : (skipped)
DEBUG: drop_columns      : (skipped)
DEBUG: delete_log        : DELETE FROM repack.log_2093608
DEBUG: lock_table        : LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE
DEBUG: sql_peek          : SELECT * FROM repack.log_2093608 ORDER BY id LIMIT $1
DEBUG: sql_insert        : INSERT INTO repack.table_2093608 VALUES ($1.*)
DEBUG: sql_delete        : DELETE FROM repack.table_2093608 WHERE (id) = ($
DEBUG: sql_update        : UPDATE repack.table_2093608 SET (id, name, value, created_at) = ($, $, $2.value, $2.created_at) WHERE (id) = ($
DEBUG: sql_pop           : DELETE FROM repack.log_2093608 WHERE id IN (


  1. It will try to acquire an advisory lock to forbid multiple runs of pg_repack of happening on the same table.
  2. It will lock the table_for_repack in access exclusive mode. This helps with doing pg_get_indexdef calls (which require an access share lock anyway) and making sure they won't be blocked.
    SELECT pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid)
    FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = $1 AND NOT indisvalid
     -- LOG: (query) SELECT pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) FROM pg_index
     -- WHERE indrelid = $1 AND NOT indisvalid
     -- LOG: (param:0) = 2093608
    This query checks if there's any invalid index present on the table, and raises an error if --error-on-invalid-index is not set.
  3. Now check for the valid indexes...
    SELECT indexrelid, repack.repack_indexdef(indexrelid, indrelid, $2, FALSE)
    FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = $1 AND indisvalid
    -- LOG:    (param:0) = 2093608
    This query will store the indexrelid information, and the repack_indexdef function figures out what the definition of that index has to be for the table to be repacked.
  4. It will try to clean up the "repack trigger" on the table if a previous attempt at repacking has failed and needs clean up. A cool thing about extensions is that if you perform DROP EXTENSION, it will automatically delete these triggers and clean up everything nicely. And then you can just CREATE EXTENSION again and you're all set to retry.
  5. Create the pktype (index) SELECT repack.create_index_type(2093614,2093608).
  6. Create the log table: SELECT repack.create_log_table(2093608).
  7. Create the trigger
    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE repack.repack_trigger('id')
  8. Enable the trigger ALTER TABLE public.table_for_repack ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER repack_trigger.
  9. Disable autovacuum: SELECT repack.disable_autovacuum('repack.log_2093608') I'm not sure why this is needed. Worth checking history of this (see bin/pg_repack.c:1389)
  10. Ask for another connection (async) to lock the table_for_repack in AccessShare mode to avoid DDLs trying to change that table of running before we repack. That would affect our repacking process. DDLs are killed if that's the case. LOCK TABLE public.table_for_repack IN ACCESS SHARE MODE.
  11. Now, we need to kill other ddls (except that by conn2 that just acquired the lock above), so that they don't acquire the lock before conn2 can!
  12. Finally close that transaction from early on with ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode, now the second connection will keep holding the AccessShare lock.

Now the process of starting to backfill starts

  1. BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE (this is used to avoid race condition between the create_table statement and rows subsequently being added to the log table).
  2. SET work_mem = maintanence_work_mem SELECT set_config('work_mem', current_setting('maintenance_work_mem'), true)", 0, NULL);
  3. Fetch all active transaction virtual ids (see SQL_XID_SNAPSHOT_90200 for query).
  4. Delete any existing entries in the log table since CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT hasn't run yet. DELETE FROM repack.log_2093608. This truncates the table.
  5. Obtain access share lock on the target table for the create_table command to go through. It's possible another DDL is in the lock queue now after conn2, so kill that first if so!
  6. Before copying data, it changes the column storage type if its storage type has been changed from the type default. (Not sure when this happens).
  7. Table is created as SELECT repack.create_table($1, $2)
    LOG: (query) SELECT repack.create_table($1, $2)
    LOG:    (param:0) = 2093608
    LOG:    (param:1) = pg_default
  8. And then data is copied:
    INSERT INTO repack.table_2093608 SELECT id,name,value,created_at
    FROM ONLY public.table_for_repack
  9. Disables autovacuum on the table, not sure why yet! SELECT repack.disable_autovacuum('repack.table_2093608')
  10. Grab oid of the existing table SELECT 'repack.table_2093608'::regclass::oid
  11. Creates the indexes on the destination table
  12. Keeps running apply_log on a ethernal loop which runs
    LOG: (query) SELECT repack.repack_apply($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)
    LOG:    (param:0) = SELECT * FROM repack.log_2093608 ORDER BY id LIMIT $1
    LOG:    (param:1) = INSERT INTO repack.table_2093608 VALUES ($1.*)
    LOG:    (param:2) = DELETE FROM repack.table_2093608 WHERE (id) = ($
    LOG:    (param:3) = UPDATE repack.table_2093608 SET (id, name, value, created_at) = ($, $, $2.value, $2.created_at) WHERE (id) = ($
    LOG:    (param:4) = DELETE FROM repack.log_2093608 WHERE id IN (
    LOG:    (param:5) = 1000
    TODO: Learn about apply_log.
  13. Swaps the tables using conn2 since it already has the AcessShare lock. It uses repack_swap.
  14. Analyses the table ANALYZE public.table_for_repack (why?)
  15. Calls repack_drop


The function has 6 arguments and returns the number of performed operations.

* @param	sql_peek	SQL to pop tuple from log table.
* @param	sql_insert	SQL to insert into temp table.
* @param	sql_delete	SQL to delete from temp table.
* @param	sql_update	SQL to update temp table.
* @param	sql_pop	SQL to bulk-delete tuples from log table.
* @param	count		Max number of operations, or no count iff <=0.
* @retval				Number of performed operations.

In my example:

sql_peek: SELECT * FROM repack.log_2093608 ORDER BY id LIMIT $1
sql_insert: INSERT INTO repack.table_2093608 VALUES ($1.*)
sql_delete: DELETE FROM repack.table_2093608 WHERE (id) = ($
sql_update: UPDATE repack.table_2093608 SET (id, name, value, created_at) = (
                $, $, $2.value, $2.created_at
            ) WHERE (id) = ($
sql_pop: DELETE FROM repack.log_2093608 WHERE id IN (
count: 1000

The repack_prepare function parses and prepares the SQL to be executed, but doesn't run it. It's the job of execute_plan to do so.


I've used this script to quickly recompile pg_repack:

run_lldb() {

    cd build/
    cd pg_repack

    PG_CONFIG=$POSTGRES_DIR/build/bin/pg_config make
    PG_CONFIG=$POSTGRES_DIR/build/bin/pg_config make install

    cp bin/pg_repack $POSTGRES_DIR/build/bin



    lldb -- $PG_REPACK_BIN

(lldb) b b
(lldb) run --table table_for_repack -d repack_test --echo --elevel=DEBUG

Additionally, some of the queries triggered from inside the extension don't really show up on the logs. I had to manually hack the places where I wanted to debug with elog calls such as:

    elog(LOG, "[REPACK_TEST] SPI_execute: %s", sql);

For this to take effect, remember to recompile the C project and then:


Also, if I wanted to pause the program I dropped some sleep() calls, this was helpful when I wanted to throw some more data in the table_to_repack while the repack apply process was running.

INSERT INTO table_for_repack (name, value) VALUES ('my_name000', 42);
INSERT INTO table_for_repack (name, value) VALUES ('my_name001', 42);
INSERT INTO table_for_repack (name, value) VALUES ('my_name003', 42);
UPDATE table_for_repack SET value = 43 WHERE name = 'my_name003';
DELETE FROM table_for_repack WHERE name = 'my_name001';
DELETE FROM table_for_repack WHERE name = 'my_name002';
DELETE FROM table_for_repack WHERE name = 'my_name003';
-- This has to be run very fast after these update queries!
SELECT * FROM repack.log_2094620;
-- id |    pk    |                          row
--  1 |          | (100012,my_name001,42,"2025-02-04 18:14:53.780287+13")
--  2 |          | (100013,my_name003,42,"2025-02-04 18:14:53.785157+13")
--  3 | (100013) | (100013,my_name003,43,"2025-02-04 18:14:53.785157+13")
--  4 | (100012) |
--  5 | (100013) |