
Memory Hierarchy

The table below gives some approximate guidelines about performance comparison across different caching layers.

The speed vs disk refers to how quick the processor can fetch an instruction from the specific memory layer in comparison to fetching it from disk.

| layer | name                 | speed vs disk | description                     |
| l0    | registers            | 10**9         | holds words from cache memory.  |
| l1    | L1 cache (SRAM)      | ~10**9        | holds cache lines from L2 cache |
| l2    | L2 cache (SRAM)      | ~10**8        | holds cache lines from L3 cache |
| l3    | L3 cache (SRAM)      | ~10**8 / 2    | holds cache lines from memory   |
| l4    | Main memory (DRAM)   | 10**7         | holds disk blocks from disk     |
| l5    | local storage (disk) | BASE          | holds files.                    |
| l6    | remote storage       | N/A           | distributed servers - etc.      |

These numbers have been taken from the CS:APP book.