I'm starting this book on 2024-05-19 and plan to read something here and there whenever time allows me to do so.

At present I have no ambition of even finishing this book, but given it is in my list of "classic CS books that have withstood the test of time", I'll try to give it a fair go.


I am currently using guile to compile the Scheme code that I write in neovim.

So far the code examples have been basic, so I haven't had a chance to look into other proper tools in detail. I found guile in the list of Scheme tools in the Arch wiki, and noticed it was already installed in my system as a dependency and that's the only reason I chose it.


The list of exercises includes a simple explanation of necessary theory to solve the exercises without going too much into the detail. The book itself should be the primary source, but having read it, the basic explanations should be enough to remember the subject.

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